Quotes on Introspection


Introspection is like taking an X-ray of your emotions, thoughts and behaviours.

Spiritual disciplines are necessary, they prepare you for inner work of introspection and meditation.

Embark on the inward journey - gradually from introspection to contemplation to meditation, reach your peace centre.

Through introspection, understand your mental patterns and grow out of your shortcomings.

Introspection is to catch & correct your innermost thoughts & intents in the floodlight of the wisdom imparted by the Guru.

Introspection helps you connect the dots of your reactions with your hidden fears and anger. Process them nicely and release them.

Your introspection, contemplation and meditation make you truly happy. Sharing this joy with others is seva.

Introspection is essential. You must pass through the clouds before you can fly above them.

Start your introspection with the clarity that the cause of any negativity caught lies within.

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