Quotes on Selfless


Like a cow is keen to feed her calf, the Guru's selfless love is more eager to nourish the disciple than the disciple's yearning to know the truth.

To be Christ-like, crucify your ego and serve selflessly.

Celebrate Lord Krishna's birth by living in Self-awareness, unswerving devotion and selfless seva.

Glory to Lord Mahavir, whose life & teachings reveal that dispassion is at the root of boundless & selfless compassion for all.

The Guru is always selfless, egoless & desireless. Serving such a Master with love & faith brings you closer to His pure state.

Life is short, serve selflessly. To serve, all you need is a generous heart.

By helping one person, you can't change the world, but you can surely change his world.

When you stay connected with the Guru, your work becomes His work.

Good deeds are to purify you, and not to exhibit to others.

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