Quotes on Virtues


Demolish selfishness, design yourself to be good, develop good deeds and decorate your life with virtues.

Devotion brings spring into your inner world, along with the fragrance of virtues and freshness in your outlook.

Guru seems ordinary from far, but appears like a colossal mountain of virtues as you come nearer.

Salutations to Param Krupalu Dev, who is like a perfume shop. Even without buying, you will walk out with some fragrance of His virtues.

Reminiscing God's life and extolling His virtues define the path and goal of a seeker.

Dharma is related to knowledge blossoming into virtues, not to the collection of information.

Be like a magnet. Attract others virtues, not shortcomings.

Love is like a rose - soft to the touch, beautiful to look at and fragrant with virtues.

To cultivate the fruit of wisdom, prepare the soil of your heart with virtues like humility.

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