Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

Make a conscious decision to be happy, before you encounter any situation.

Meditation is a pious process to experience the pure Self.

Thrive on unpredictability and enjoy life.

Guru is the essence, not a person. Feel Him in your heart and stay connected.

Goodness is contagious. Be good and you'll see it being reflected in everything you do.

The disciple's true security lies in the bond of love, faith & surrender with the Guru.

From Satsang, you receive knowledge. Transform this knowledge into your wisdom through reflection, contemplation & meditation.

The words of the Enlightened Master originate from the Self & thus guide the listener also towards the Self.

Just as the quality of a painting depends on the painter, the quality of your life depends on you.

#SadguruWhispers In the presence of the Guru, your ego dissolves & you experience inexplicable deep silence, peace and joy.