Quotes on World


Colours of the world will get washed away, but the colours of Gurubhakti grow day by day.

Are you on the list of people you love? Only when you are positive about yourself; you can be positive for the world.

Bring a revolution in your inner world. Choose to think and respond differently.

Be an instrument in making the world a better place.

Saints are love incarnate. They love the whole world as their own.

You may have achieved name and fame in the world, but have you achieved the love of your family?

Devotion brings spring into your inner world, along with the fragrance of virtues and freshness in your outlook.

Step back & realise that you are the unchanging presence in the ever-changing world of thoughts and events.

Start with glad acceptance and eventually become an observer of whatever happens in the world & at the body & mind level.

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