Quotes on Devotee


A devotee like a kite, surrenders to the unseen wind & gets ready to leave the earthly securities to soar high in the formless within.

For a devotee, the most miserable and weak moment is when he forgets his beloved God.

In the light of the full-moon & the grace of the Guru, a devotee's heart dances to the tune of the Divine.

For an evolved devotee, his Guru is never away from him.

Fear is the non-acceptance of uncertainties. A devotee can turn every uncertainty into an adventure.

A devotee never wants any such karmic merits like fame, position, etc. that will take him away from his Guru.

The greatness and beauty of a devotee lies in remaining a humble servant of his Lord.

For a devotee, prayer is a way to say 'Arigato' - 'thank You' to God, for everything.

Installing the Guru in his heart, a devotee has only one prayer - make this servant like Thee.

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