Quotes on Mind


The cross reminds us of Christ, who had nullified His 'I', the egoic identity.

Raise your love from the gross body to the subtle mind-intellect & eventually to the Self, beyond the gross and the subtle.

A life of self-discipline gives the joy of freedom from the slavery of the mind.

Follow a mental diet. Keep a check on your content consumption. What you fill in your mind will determine your feelings.

To win the mind, only watch it. Be present without interfering and see it get transformed.

Start with glad acceptance and eventually become an observer of whatever happens in the world & at the body & mind level.

Every day, remind yourself - that you are in the Guru's refuge and overcome any fear or anxiety.

When the mind tricks you & treats you with sinful thoughts, learn to trick it by treating it with Satsangs.

Truth is simple but is forgotten. Persevere sincerely to remind yourself of who you truly are.

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