Quotes on Health


To lead a healthy life, review & revise your beliefs regarding the quality of your life and happiness.

Do not neglect your health for wealth. What is the use of being the richest person in the graveyard?

Balance your role & soul. Role by being responsible for your health, wealth & relations and soul by satsang, sadhana & seva.

Gossip may seem tasty but is not a healthy diet for your soul.

To remain spiritually healthy, feed yourself with nourishing satsangs and monitor the calories of karma.

Healthy relationships are built on attitude, not perfection. Even roses have thorns. Choose what you want to see in others.

Remember that maintaining good health is a part of your seva.

Yoga reminds us that a healthy life is a result of disciplined living.

You are a powerful soul. You decide your physical, mental, emotional and social health.

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