Quotes on Ego


Hurt and hate for small matters indicate a big ego.

A genuine seeker is inspired to let go of his ego-identity like a joyous river rushing towards the ocean, ready to merge its identity.

Experience your ego diminishing in the presence of the Guru.

Touching the Guru’s Lotus Feet is like touching a live wire, it will burn your ego and passions to ashes.

He who protects the ego gets destroyed, and he who destroys the ego remains protected.

The Guru does not look at your present state. He works on your potential & possibility. Are you ready to pay the price of ego for your transformation?

Like a river rushing to merge itself into the ocean, a seeker is inspired to dissolve his ego and identity in the Divine.

In the presence of the Guru, your ego dissolves & you experience inexplicable deep silence, peace and joy.

Every moment is like a wish-fulfilling gem. Do not waste it to wade off crow-like egoic demands. Utilise them to unfold your divine Self.

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