Quotes on Earth


A devotee like a kite, surrenders to the unseen wind & gets ready to leave the earthly securities to soar high in the formless within.

Celebrate the advent of divinity on earth in the form of the Guru.

Connecting with the formless is difficult. Connect with the form in whom the 'formless' has manifested, the Lord of the Earth, the Guru.

Raindrops may be counted, dust particles on the earth may be counted, but virtues of the compassionate Guru can never be counted.

Like the sky touching the earth at the horizon is an illusion, the soul is distinct from the body, mind & intellect.

Guru, like an earthquake, brings a revolution in your thinking and breaks delusion.

Through His unearthly aura, unparalleled speech & unfailing guidance, the Guru leads devotees to the divine experience.

To be on the earth you need gravitational pull; to be on the spiritual path you will need the Guru's pull.

Thank God for giving us this wonderful earth to live in, now seek to have such an inner state too.

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