Unwinding the Mind Before You Sleep Here’s a way to unload your mind off the day’s events and associations, and relax before you sleep When you are ready to sleep at night, go backwards through the memories of your day. Don’t start from the morning, start from where you are now, just on the bed. Start with the last thing, and then go back, step by step – right back to the first experience of the morning. Go back and remember continuously, that you are not getting involved. For example, if someone offended you, see yourself being insulted but remain just a witness. Don’t get involved, don’t get angry. If you do then you are identified, you have missed the point of meditation. That person is not insulting you but the form that was in the incident – and that form has gone. You are just like the river flowing: the forms are flowing. In childhood you had one form, you don’t have that form anymore – that form has gone. You are continuously changing, like the river. When you get back to the morning as you were just waking up on your bed, you will again have the same fresh mind that you had in the morning. And then you can fall asleep like a small child. Topicsawarenessmeditationmindfulness Quotes Show the world that you have a Guru in life by being calm and cheerful in every situation. The Guru does not look at your present state. He works on your potential & possibility. Are you ready to pay the price of ego for your transformation? Observing the Enlightened Master in a state of sameness amidst varied situations inspires one to live a life of glad acceptance. Selfless contribution comes naturally to a disciple who is brimming with gratitude for the Guru. View All #SadguruWhispers Observing the Enlightened Master in a state of sameness amidst varied situations inspires one to live a life of glad acceptance. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates