Home News Rajgita Jnan Yajna – Nourishing The Youth

Rajgita Jnan Yajna – Nourishing The Youth

Born out of Param Krupalu Dev’s magnanimous state, each verse of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra leaves seekers spellbound with its unparalleled profundity and pure simplicity. Pujya Gurudevshri’s enchanting elucidation opens up the richness of this sacred text for the aspirants.

Reinforcing the Priceless Wisdom through Quizzes

After imbibing the insight of the fifth Rajgita Jnan Yajna devotees geared up to participate in an engrossing quiz on the third Fundamental Truth – The Soul is the Doer. Yuvarpits (Hriday Mehta, Aneri Shah); Jivanarpits (Manav Mehta, Ruchi Jhaveri); Hridayarpits (Jay Gala, Chintani Shah); Sarvarpits (Vikas Shah, Sejal Dipan Shah); Sharnarpits (Ashit Sheth, Bijal Ashar) and the NRI-Outstation team (Mihir Ashar, Aayush Doshi) elevated themselves by an in-depth study of the verses through participation in the quiz.

Swadhyaykars Atmarpits Rajuji, Smrutiji, Shivaniji, Siddhiji and Vidhiji played an instrumental role in connecting thousands to Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra through the medium of online quizzes. Not only the young but even the young-at-heart elderly joined in. With over 1,000 logins, 216 participants, 54 teams from India, North America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, the online quizzes brought to surface the enthusiasm of the physically distant but spiritually charged aspirants.

The Scintillating Sixth Rajgita Jnan Yajna

The laabh of being the Yajman of the sixth Rajgita Jnan Yajna was taken by the Antwerp Raj Parivar. Devotees representing them lit the sacred lamp along with Pujya Gurudevshri.

Expressing his doubts regarding the fourth Fundamental Truth – The Soul is the Enjoyer, the devotee wonders how inanimate karmas are capable of giving fruits. Or, is it God who bestows the fruits of karma? The True Teacher clears all his doubts and establishes that the soul is the endurer of the fruits of its karmas.

Contemplating on the fifth Fundamental Truth – There is Liberation, the disciple conveys his doubts and the True Teacher resolves them. He explains how the harbouring of pure and impure feelings have resulted in bondage and withdrawing from them would result in liberation, and also illuminates the nature of liberation.

Making the Master’s discourses accessible to those unfamiliar with English, Atmarpit Rajuji conducted sessions in Gujarati.

Honouring Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra with a Pujan

Composed on Aso Vad Ekam of V.S. 1952, on every Vad Ekam a Pujan is held in the Ashram to venerate the creation of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra. On Vaishakh Vad Ekam, seekers expressed their adoration through a devout pujan of each of the 12 sections of the hallowed scripture. 125 animals were rescued from slaughterhouses and placed in safe animal shelters to commemorate 125 years of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra.

Salutations at the holy Feet of Param Krupalu Dev and Pujya Gurudevshri for bestowing us with this knowledge that is bringing us to the shores of liberation.

#SadguruWhispers Your mother gives you eyes to see the world. The Guru, the divine mother, gives you vision to see beyond.