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Without you I cannot find Solace

O Lord!

Without You I cannot find solace anywhere in the world. Don’t You know this? Then, having shown the path of love to such a loveless and despicable one as me, where have You disappeared?

To experience oneness with You, O my Beloved Lord! I am ready to put everything at stake. I am not going to be happy with anything other than this. Even if I have to wait infinitely, I am prepared for that. I have realised that there is no real happiness anywhere in the world. You are my light and You alone are my life.

O Joy of my heart! With Your will, let this intense yearning for our communion be fulfilled. I eagerly await for it with boundless patience. Day in and day out I only long to become one with You. I do not wish to stay apart from You anymore. Let this ‘I’ dissolve in You, the Lord of my heart.

Om Peace Peace Peace


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