Home Wisdom Articles Seeker's Corner Prayers Everyday I Pray to You

Everyday I Pray to You

O Lord!

Every day I pray to You. I see Your gentle smile. I hear Your sweet laughter. I understand what I can, and speak what I know. Neither do I plan nor do I prepare, I speak what I feel from my heart. And the words naturally fall in harmony and rhythm.

There may be joy or sorrow outside, but because of this inner connection with You, I experience a constant flow of peace and happiness. Then why do I bother You with prayers every day, You may ask? The answer is very simple and straight. Every day, if a new kind of darkness arises, what else can I do but light a lamp of prayer?

O my Beloved Lord! My prayer is nothing but a journey into Your land. Through these prayers, may You alone be glorified.

Om Peace Peace Peace


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