I Let Go Of O Lord! I let go of all my plans and objectives, my desires and hopes. And, I accept Your will for me. To be Yours forever, I offer unto You, myself, my life, and everything that I call as mine. Fill me with Your pure love. Make use of me as per Your will. Send me wherever You want me to go. At any price, may Your will alone be carried out in my life, now and forever. Om Peace Peace Peace Topicslifeloveprayer Quotes Your firm purpose and passion can overcome every obstacle. A good intention is not enough. Eliminate the evil from within to allow goodness to manifest effortlessly. Instead of focusing on the differences amongst individuals, recognise the difference between the soul and body. Devotion to the Guru helps calm, steady, collect and eventually transcend the mind. View All #SadguruWhispers Instead of focusing on the differences amongst individuals, recognise the difference between the soul and body. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates