Despite of the roaring O Master! Despite of the roaring sea of ego, howling wind of delusion, burning inferno of faults, I continued sleeping in the stormy night of ignorance. I got a human birth but did not endeavour to become humane. I could not withstand the force of my ego and self-will and turned my opportunity into misfortune. But in the middle of this cold night, You dawned like the sun and wrapped me in the warmth of Your shelter. The clouds of doubts started to scatter and the ego began to mellow down. O my Divine Saviour! You commenced the destruction of my unruly ego, which I wasn’t able to do myself. Promptly You rushed to my help and with absolute selflessness and ease you began this impossible looking task of demolishing my false image. O my Spiritual Father! How do I express my gratitude? As my ego is dissolving in love for You, I am moving towards dispassion, salvation. And I owe it all to You. Om Peace Peace Peace Topicsegogratitudehumaneignoranceself-will Quotes Positive thinking is the ability to see grace in every situation. Maintain a deep, open and very personal communication with your Guru; without it, your meditation, devotion and dispassion cannot sustain. Only when you feel burnt by your blunders will you cease to repeat them. Like a river rushing to merge itself into the ocean, a seeker is inspired to dissolve his ego and identity in the Divine. View All #SadguruWhispers Only when you feel burnt by your blunders will you cease to repeat them. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates