Home News A Retreat to Remember

A Retreat to Remember

Ecstatic adolescents returned to their home-away-from-home for the winter edition of the Spiritualtouch Retreat 2022, held from December 24 to 27. This euphoric four-day gadget-free event served as a true testament to its tagline: A retreat to remember.

DIVE DEEPER: The children nourished their roots by taking inspiration from the mystical master Param Krupalu Dev. Inspiring and interactive sessions conducted by Atmarpits on His stirring life and insightful works motivated children to live more meaningfully and for a higher purpose.

LIVE LIGHTER: Self-empowerment sessions titled ‘You Do You’ were conducted, which unfolded their confidence and self-belief. ‘Improvisational Comedy’ served a twin purpose of boosting their abilities of public speaking and quick thinking as well as being thoroughly entertaining.

BE A GO-GETTER: ‘Spiritualtouch’s Got Talent’ was a fun session where the teenagers got to take the stage and showcase their talents innovatively. A Happy Street was organised as well, which included multiple games like life-sized Jenga, Ring Toss, Connect Four, Throwball, amongst others.

SHINE BRIGHTER: ‘Crafting Christmas’ nourished the teens’ creative skills by involving them in activities such as cookie decorating, goodie bag making, formulating shower gels and other fragrances.

BE A CHANGEMAKER: Several community improvement projects, like blankets and toys distribution via an outreach programme and Carnival for a Cause where teenagers spent time with rural and tribal folk through games and fun activities at Shrimad Rajchandra Gurukul, were undertaken.

HOLD ON TO THE HIGHER: The highlights of the retreat were the nights spent in the divine presence of Pujya Gurudevshri. While cultural celebrations witnessed Christmas-themed performances alongside other devotional dedications, the final evening was spent skating around Him; the energy being palpable as hearts soared high in love.

Indeed, the four days served as proof of the constant grace and ceaseless compassion of Param Krupalu Dev and Pujya Gurudevshri, leaving every child waiting with bated breath for the next Spiritualtouch Retreat!

#SadguruWhispers Spiritual growth is not just outer horizontal growth but inner vertical growth - a paradigm shift in your beliefs and responses.