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Muni Pratye

Language English
No. of Pages 200
Size 205mm x 140mm

Use the pages of this book to facilitate your personal introspection and contemplation.

Pujyashri Lalluji Muni, was blessed to meet Param Krupalu Dev in V.S. 1946. Though he was an avowed renunciate and 14 years older than Param Krupalu Dev, realising His greatness, he reverently prostrated himself thrice in front of Param Krupalu Dev, a young 22-year-old householder at that time.


Thereafter, guided by Param Krupalu Dev in person and through correspondence, Pujyashri Lalluji Muni became firmly rooted on the spiritual path. In V.S. 1954, at Vaso, Pujyashri Lalluji Muni attained the exalted state of self-realisation. Later, in V.S. 1976, he inspired the establishment of ‘Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, Agas.’ The credit of spreading Param Krupalu Dev’s virtues and message far and wide primarily goes to him. On Vaishakh Sud 8, Pujyashri Lalluji Muni left his mortal body at Agas Ashram in a state of Samadhi. During their association of 11 years, Pujyashri Lalluji Muni received several letters from Param Krupalu Dev.


Under the able guidance of Pujya Gurudevshri, these letters will serve as a yearlong study for the seekers of the Mission. Each letter will be read and ruminated upon through personal introspection and contemplation for spiritual growth. This book ‘Muni Pratye’ has been specially designed to facilitate this process, with designated space for writing reflections on each letter. 


Self Study Kit.

₹ 125.00