Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

To lead a healthy life, review & revise your beliefs regarding the quality of your life and happiness.

Your net worth is your network - your ability to connect with people and build loving relationships.

Check during your activities, social or seva - that your values, connection and inner calling for a higher life, is not lost.

It's better to take a break than to breakdown. Consciously move backward to revitalise, rejuvenate & relaunch yourself.

Your beliefs shape your thoughts and actions. Work on your beliefs to make your journey easy and joyful.

To win the game of life, master the art from a Master who has mastered it.

High or low, realise that you are the witness of every state.

Goodness can never truly die. It may undergo trials and tribulations but will eventually resurrect.

Take a moment to check with yourself. How are you feeling right now?

#SadguruWhispers Do not make Satsang a casual event. Plan that day - your rest, food, meetings & inner state for the Satsang to be effective