Cruising in His Shelter Pujya Gurudevshri, like an expert sculptor, chisels seekers to enhance their virtues and chip away their flaws. Atmarpit Pratikbhai relives his journey of spiritual metamorphosis from a carefree youth to a devoted seeker. It was in October 2003 that I first met Bapaji at Manju Apartments in Mumbai. During my first meeting, I was very clear that I was neither going to join any group nor follow any culture if He asked me to. I wanted to be free, not bound by anything. He asked me whether I would like to come and meet Him again after 15 days. I immediately replied, “Of course yes!” So, every alternate Saturday, I would go to meet Him. Little did I know that what I was attending were the group meetings. I was enjoying them. Eventually I joined the group formally. I had started sailing, rather cruising. Wow! He has amazing ways of bringing you closer to Him! His unconditional love won over my conditional ego. Showering me with Immense Love In 2008, He blessed me with the seva of being the Hridayarpit Group leader. That was the time when I lived with an extremely carefree attitude. I took the planning of the youth shibir very lightly and had not done my homework well. He immediately asked me to leave the seva of shibir planning. I realised that my biggest mistake was that I was not connected to Him. I did not value His time and took things for granted. I realised that though it is important to do things perfectly, but more important is being connected to Him. With importance of connection, He got me closer to Him than before! He made the shibir the best one of my life – my best moments. At the end of the leadership year, during the Leaders Changing Ceremony, He had tears in His eyes as He said, “I will miss you!” He had tears for me? The divine Himself! I will never forget that moment ever in my life. Even today it brings tears to my eyes. Guiding me to a Higher Purpose His unfathomable wisdom guided me for a higher purpose. To make the most of my leadership year, I had quit my job. I would try to be with Him as much as I could. His slightest glimpse was fuel for me, it was my driving force. One day, He sent prasad for me and a very important message, “What are your plans? Time is passing by, and if you do not decide now, then one fine morning you will find yourself in the wedding mandap.” This incident started a churning within. I wrote a letter to Him and He asked me to meet Him. He explained and gave me tips and an exercise for selecting an appropriate career first. At that time, I just asked Him out of the blue, “Why do all this exercise, can I try to be an Atmarpit?” He gave me look implying – what are you talking about? I concluded that Atmarpit life was not meant for me and never gave it a second thought. Then, on one occasion, He said, “I want to give you so much, but you don’t come up.” I started contemplating, what does He mean by I do not come “up”. I realised that I needed to come up in my spiritual level. All this while, I was without a job and would go to Dharampur just to be with Him. Once, He asked me, “Don’t you have to earn money? If you wish to live like this, then why don’t you join Atmarpit training?” That was it, I immediately grabbed the opportunity, joined the training and there was no looking back. Earlier in 2004, during my first trip to the United Kingdom with Him, He had told me that I may go wherever I want, but at the end, I shall have to come back to Him. At that time it was just a passing comment for me, but during the training period when I reflected, I realised that if at the end I have to come back, then why waste time unnecessarily. I was now very clear about what I wanted. And on September 26, 2010, He graced me with Atmarpit Diksha. He brought me one more step closer to Him. His passion for my progress is such that He not only instructs and inspires but also inspects. So after few months, there was a surprise inspection by Him as to how much swadhyay did we complete. I was the one with the least done. And for the first time I experienced His love in a different form with the highest degree where I was isolated from everyone and everything, even His darshan. I was shaken from top to bottom. But gradually, on introspecting, I realised that I needed to be highly disciplined and sincere in following His ajna. I remembered His words in a meeting just before my diksha, “Initially, for first few months, you will have to struggle a lot, but later it will be very easy. Are you ready for that struggle?” And I had happily replied, “Yes!” During this period, Atmarpits had been to Ladakh for what turned out to be one of the best Atmarpit Retreats and I was the only one who missed it. I had paid an expensive price to learn an important lesson. I gained the importance of following His ajna, discipline, sincerity, regularity which was injected right into my blood veins, deep-rooted in my beliefs. Getting Inspired by His Innumerable Virtues His unmatched devotion makes me realise my shortcomings. Once, He blessed me to have breakfast with Him. During breakfast, He would keep serving more and more. I would not refuse to anything He served, though I was full. In His presence, I ate everything as it was prasad for me. Later, after leaving His room, I vomited everything. He told me that it was not my devotion in not refusing Him but purely a mask I was wearing. If it was prasad, then how could I have vomited? I realised that devotion lies not in the mere act but in the inner feeling. By making me understand what true devotion is, He brought me closer to devotion, rather closer to Him! His purity keeps helping me to dissolve my impurities. During the Atmarpit gappas, there are times when I get the blessed opportunity to do seva of His Lotus Feet. The happiness that I experience cannot be put into words. All I can say is that it is the one thing that gives me highest happiness. And for days and days, the experience keeps me intoxicated. I have not yet experienced the soul, but I have experienced the touch of His Lotus Feet. This experience is one of its kind which I enjoy to the fullest. This journey has been so beautiful that I wish it never ends. Over these years, there is no doubt that He has got me closer and closer to Him. I pray to Him that with the increasing closeness, never ever do I reach a plateau in my feelings for Him. I seek His blessings to develop such pure devotion that I remain in His ajna every moment. It is said that ajna is religion, ajna is austerity. That is true, but my experience further says that ajna is bliss, ajna is happiness, ajna is my saviour, ajna is my everything. Topicsdevotionloverenunciationsurrendertransformation Quotes Loving the Guru either leads to the dropping of all desires, or all desires merging into one - the desire for the Guru. When you are secure in God's love, when you trust His love, you want to love everyone! With a strong and clear purpose, design and decorate your life. When you listen to Satsang, connect it with yourself, feel it and experience it. View All #SadguruWhispers With a strong and clear purpose, design and decorate your life. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates