Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

Be honest - do you want pleasure or peace?

How can a disciple, tied to Guru Ajna, not soar to great spiritual heights in the inner skies? He is sure to fly high.

It is neither the journey nor the destination, but the company of the Enlightened Master that is significant on the spiritual path.

Do not fight with your thoughts. Stay unaffected, by assuming a pose of fearlessness like Swami Vivekananda.

By focusing on your pure nature, you will pass through life and your roles without getting entangled.

Addiction to money, status and even thoughts & beliefs is more harmful for the soul than any other addiction.

Learn the art of acceptance. Shift your focus from the event to your attitude.

A calm mind shows that the purpose and direction of your spiritual practices are correct.

You are the abode of peace and bliss. Unaware of this, you beg for them from the world.

#SadguruWhispers Meditation is not an activity to be done in a peaceful atmosphere, but it is done to be peaceful in any atmosphere.