Patrank – 80 V. S. 1945 The one whose feelings flow uninterrupted; whose thoughts of volition and irresolution have reduced; in whom the sprouts of intellect, detached from the five sense objects, have sprung; who has uprooted the cause of distress, who keeps practicing one pointed vision which is endowed with multi-faceted vision; who has just one pure inclination alone; may that illustrious one be victorious. We must try to be like that. Topicsdetachmentpatrankshrimad rajchandraji Quotes Observing the Enlightened Master in a state of sameness amidst varied situations inspires one to live a life of glad acceptance. Selfless contribution comes naturally to a disciple who is brimming with gratitude for the Guru. Salutations to the ever-benevolent Guru who bends to my level to raise me to His divine stature. Sanyas is a silent falling of worldliness when in love with the Divine. View All #SadguruWhispers Salutations to the ever-benevolent Guru who bends to my level to raise me to His divine stature. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates