Articles on Spirituality

My Journey from Science to Spirituality

Sarvarpit Dr Alok Shah shares his tale of transformation from a worldly scientist to a spiritual explorer under the loving…

Param Krupalu Dev: As a Householder

Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth…

Guru – The Alchemist

Pujyashri Gurudev beautifully brings out the many ways in which the Guru transforms the disciple. Commemorating the occasion of Gurupurnima,…

Mindset of An Ant

5 lessons in correct attitude for living a fulfilled life How far should one look for inspiration? And how big…

Freedom From The Ego

Pujya Gurudevshri vividly gives specific characteristics of ego to help you spot it in you and enthusiastically march forward towards…

Possessing or Getting Possessed?

Forgetting the magnificence of one’s true Self, the worldly take pride in owning things. Pujya Gurudevshri not only reveals the…

Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – An Unprecedented Exposition

Pujya Gurudevshri elucidates the impact of Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra and the exceptional transformation that this scripture brings about The words…

My Life – A Gift from Bapaji

The Sadguru continuously showers the disciple with gifts to ensure his spiritual progress. Sarvarpit Vishal Gandhi, offering seva in the…

Can Someone Disturb You?

Whether it is a child, youth or an old person everyone seems to get disturbed by their surroundings. Pujya Gurudevshri…

Do You Know Your-Self?

Since time immemorial, we have lived with a mistaken identity, and sought happiness in the non-self. Pujya Gurudevshri urges us…

Sketching My Spiritual Growth

Offering seva as the Head of Hughes Road Centre of Shrimad Rajchandra Divinetouch, Sarvarpit Amee Shah describes how Pujya Gurudevshri…

Is Self-realisation Possible in Present Times?

One oft heard excuse for not pursuing spirituality is that the times are bad. Pujya Gurudevshri unequivocally refutes this misconception…


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