Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care
Inspired by Shrimad Rajchandraji and guided by Pujya Gurudevshri, Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care is an initiative of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur to offer service and bring joy to the lives of the underserved sections of society.
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Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur’s institutes conduct seva activities encompassing health, education, animal welfare, and community development, ensuring holistic and sustainable development in one of the poorest areas of South Gujarat.
Know More10 Care Programme
Our unique 10-fold benevolent programme focuses on a wide range of high quality, charitable, and sustainable initiatives for the welfare of people, animals, and the environment. Over 50 holistic and multi-pronged projects are powered by the genuine empathy of highly motivated volunteers. Shrimad Rajchandra Love and Care enjoys Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 2020.
Rural populations in South Gujarat rank amongst one of the poorest in the country. Our Health Care initiative covers the entire spectrum of primary, secondary, and tertiary care to render an all-encompassing medical solution for those who cannot access or afford it. Dedicated institutions form the focal point of our delivery model while outreach programmes ensure the last mile delivery of services.
Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital
A 250-bed multi-specialty charitable hospital in the tribal belt of South Gujarat. Revolutionising healthcare in rural India, Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital bridges the gap between global medical standards and local access, joining together science and humanity.
Shrimad Rajchandra Medical Camps
Free multi-diagnostic camps for the rural population.
Shrimad Rajchandra Preventive Care Programme
Works to minimise common health risks and enhances the general health and well-being of the rural people.
Shrimad Rajchandra Health Education & Awareness Lessons
An initiative for spreading health awareness in rural areas.
Shrimad Rajchandra Fellowship for the Specially Abled
Support club for the specially abled and their families, established with the goal of raising awareness of disabilities, providing health education, and offering psychological support and guidance.
Shrimad Rajchandra Distribution of Aids for the Specially Abled
Custom-made aids and appliances such as wheelchairs, cerebral palsy special chairs, automatic stander, wheelchair tricycles, artificial limbs, walkers, hearing aids etc. distributed to the specially abled.
Shrimad Rajchandra Blood Donation Drives
Organising blood donation drives at various educational institutes, corporate offices, housing societies etc.
Shrimad Rajchandra Anaemia Mukt Valsad
Anaemia is a root of many diseases as it attacks the body’s immune system. To manage and eradicate nutritional deficiency anaemia at a community level, we have introduced a 360-degree mass programme for awareness, screening, treatment and follow up.
Shrimad Rajchandra Free Screenings for Tuberculosis
As part of the vision of a TB-free India and joining hands with the national and state health ministry, we will adopt the entire Valsad district and provide end to end support to existing patients including free screenings.
Access to education is limited in one of the major tribal belts of South Gujarat. Our Educational Care initiative focuses on a child’s overall development by assimilating academic performance with extra-curricular activities, and value-based education with skill development.
Shrimad Rajchandra Vidyapeeth
A modern science college improving accessibility of higher education for aspiring tribal youth; it was the first science college across 238 villages.
Shrimad Rajchandra Gurukul
A progressive secondary and higher secondary rural school offering holistic education.
Shrimad Rajchandra Vidyavihar
A primary and secondary residential school for tribal children, located in the deep interiors of South Gujarat.
Shrimad Rajchandra Education Outreach Programme
An initiative aimed at educating rural folk at their doorstep.
Shrimad Rajchandra Vidya Vikas Yojana
Providing interest-free loans and scholarships for higher studies to less-privileged students.
Shrimad Rajchandra Educational Aids
Distribution of notebooks and stationery items at highly subsidised rates for rural students.
Shrimad Rajchandra Education on Wheels
A mobile van to impart quality education in rural areas.
Shrimad Rajchandra Learning Education and Development
Provides academic coaching support and training to rural students so that they may improve examination scores.
Shrimad Rajchandra Support to Goverment Schools
Providing support to local government schools in the form of coaching classes, teacher training and knowledge-sharing, to improve the academic performance and holistic learning.
Shrimad Rajchandra Mumbai Darshan
An educational and exciting tour of Mumbai for rural students to gain exposure to technological innovations and the city’s rich history.
Our Child Care initiative is designed to safeguard all aspects of the well-being of children – from health to education and from birth till the early years of adulthood.
Shrimad Rajchandra District Early Intervention Centre
A centre to prevent or minimise physical or neurological disabilities in newborn babies and infants.
Shrimad Rajchandra Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Specialised medical care for newborn babies.
Shrimad Rajchandra Child Malnutrition Treatment Centre
Providing treatment to children suffering from malnutrition.
Shrimad Rajchandra Mid-Day Meal Programme
Providing nutritious, hygienic mid-day meals for school children.
Shrimad Rajchandra Kala Utsav
A platform for the rural youth to develop and showcase their inherent talents.
Shrimad Rajchandra Life Skills Programme
Value based education for underprivileged children.
Shrimad Rajchandra Remedial Education and Learning
Supporting children with learning difficulties.
Our Woman Care initiative empowers lesser privileged women in villages with education, maternal health care, sustenance support, and employment opportunities.
Shrimad Rajchandra Women Empowerment Programme
Empowering the rural women with sustainable living.
Shrimad Rajchandra Safe Motherhood Programme
An opportunity for less privileged expectant mothers to deliver in a clean and safe environment.
Shrimad Rajchandra Health Education Programme for Adolescent Girls
Making the girl child aware of adolescent issues from a young age.
Shrimad Rajchandra Financial Literacy and Opportunities for Women
Imparting literacy to rural women on aspects of financial management.
Shrimad Rajchandra Widow Welfare Programme
Providing support to widows through distribution of essential items.
Shrimad Rajchandra Higher Education Resource
Financial support provided to rural girls pursuing higher studies.
Shrimad Rajchandra Sowing for Energy, Empowerment and Development
Improving family nutrition levels and supplementing livelihood through cultivation of organic kitchen gardens.
Our Tribal Care initiative strengthens marginalised communities through social and economic development.
Shrimad Rajchandra Skill Development Centre
A centre providing vocational and soft skills training to tribal youth at no cost to improve job opportunities.
Shrimad Rajchandra Mobile Medical Care
A dispensary at the doorstep of the underprivileged.
Shrimad Rajchandra Cattle Wealth for Farmers
Providing cattle to poor farmers for their livelihood.
Shrimad Rajchandra Indigenous Skills Programme
Providing avenues for promotion of local skills and providing economic support.
Shrimad Rajchandra Learning & Inculcating Value Education
Initiatives to eradicate vices and inculcate moral and social values.
Shrimad Rajchandra Seed Distribution Drive
A unique initiative through which government-certified seeds were distributed to farming families in need.
Undertaking programmes that strengthen community bonding is at the heart of our Community Care initiative.
Shrimad Rajchandra Organ Donation Programme
A public awareness campaign to encourage and promote organ donation after death.
Shrimad Rajchandra Sports Pavilion
This pavilion offers safe and accessible outdoor play and exercise spaces and promotes physical fitness.
Shrimad Rajchandra Pustakalay
Providing libraries to foster the joy of reading and to inculcate a keen curiosity for knowledge in young students.
Shrimad Rajchandra Computer Classes
Free computer education in rural areas, so that maximum number of people become familiar with technology.
Shrimad Rajchandra Cleanliness Drives
Sanitation and cleanliness drives are organised in public places.
Shrimad Rajchandra Prisoner Upliftment & Reform Efforts
Focuses on the development of the prisoner’s spiritual and moral values and physical and mental health.
Shrimad Rajchandra Upvan – Community Garden
Building community gardens to improve the quality of people’s lives. Its a medium for recreation, exercise and overall community development.
Joy Avenue at Shrimad Rajchandraji Marg
An initiative hosted to provide the people of Mumbai, an opportunity to rejoice, rejuvenate, and replenish themselves with spirit that usually gets lost in the daily hustle bustle!
With purposeful compassion, our Humanitarian Care initiative aims to help ease the pain and suffering through sustenance, emotional and vocational support, leading towards self-reliance and dignity.
Shrimad Rajchandra Differently Abled Programme
Supporting homes for the physically challenged.
Shrimad Rajchandra Affection for Aged
Providing assistance to old age homes.
Shrimad Rajchandra Hospice Help
Supporting homes for the terminally ill.
Shrimad Rajchandra Vocational Training
Imparting vocational training to the low income groups for their self-sustenance.
Shrimad Rajchandra Hunger Relief Programme
Distributing food to the poor and homeless.
Shrimad Rajchandra Distribution of Essential Aids for Respite
Mass distribution of utility items to the needy.
Shrimad Rajchandra Buttermilk Distribution Programme
Free buttermilk distributed to school children, daily wage earners, construction site workers, and needy people on the streets.
Innumerable animals are killed for food, clothing, entertainment and experimentation every year. The goal of our Animal Care initiative is to create a model Ahimsa Centre that provides relief through medical care, shelter, and protection, and fosters a bond of love with animals.
Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Hospital
A new state-of-the-art 150-ward animal hospital, spanning over 47,000 sq. is underway in South Gujarat. The Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Hospital will provide animal care for all kinds of animals and birds, equipped with world-class facilities and a dedicated team of veterinarians and ancillary staff.
Shrimad Rajchandra Jivamaitridham
A unique fully equipped animal shelter providing animals a safe, comfortable, and holistic living environment.
Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Nursing Home
A one-of-its-kind facility providing quality medical care to animals and birds, at no cost or highly subsidised rates.
Shrimad Rajchandra Saving Animals From Execution
Rescuing animals from slaughter and relocating them to panjrapoles.
Shrimad Rajchandra Mobile Veterinary Service
Providing preventive, first-aid and medical treatment to animals in remote villages at their doorstep.
Shrimad Rajchandra Cattle Rehabilitation Programme
Providing cattle with a home instead of a slaughterhouse, by rehabilitating them to farmers.
Shrimad Rajchandra Animal Helpline
A dedicated contact number and ambulance to help save the life of sick and injured stray animals and birds in Mumbai.
Shrimad Rajchandra Ahimsa Awareness Drives
Spreading awareness of an ahimsak lifestyle to the world through exhibitions, social media, documentaries, and presentations.
Our Environmental Care initiative works towards the protection and sustainability of the environment through a myriad of endeavours including efficient use of natural resources, tree plantations, water conservation, recycled and eco-friendly products, and alternate energy resources.
Shrimad Rajchandra Grow Green Drive
Enriching the environment through tree plantations and awareness campaigns to protect and nourish the natural environment.
Shrimad Rajchandra Water Conservation Programme
Implementing measures to conserve water
Shrimad Rajchandra Alternate Energy Programme
Installation of solar panels across the institutes to reduce dependency on non-renewable energy and avoid pollution generation.
Shrimad Rajchandra Eco Paper Drive
Saving trees through use of eco-friendly paper.
Shrimad Rajchandra Recycling & Environment Awareness Programme
Cultivating an eco-friendly culture and recycling of waste products.
Shrimad Rajchandra Soil BioTechnology
Using a novel technology to clean and recycle sewage water, thereby allowing for its usage in the maintenance of the natural landscape at Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram.
Our Emergency Relief Care initiative provides immediate and long-term rehabilitation to communities affected by natural disasters.
Gujarat Flood Relief Initiative
Provided immediate relief, rebuilding of 2 schools and construction of 30 houses for families whose huts had been washed away during the floods.
Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital COVID Care Centre
A 150-bed COVID Care facility that provided free accommodation to patients along with 24×7 care, medication and nutritious meals.
Shrimad Rajchandra COVID Health Centre
A 50-bed, fully equipped COVID treatment facility equipped with an ICU for critical patients, ventilators, BiPap machine and CT scan machine.
Shrimad Rajchandra COVID and Vaccination Awareness Vans
Performing door-to-door surveys and undertaking COVID awareness drives in rural, remote villages.
Shrimad Rajchandra COVID Outreach Programme
A complete outreach programme in collaboration with local healthcare and government authorities to spread awareness on COVID testing, vaccination, and symptoms.
Shrimad Rajchandra Circle of Love and Care
A community-wide movement across various cities of India to help and cater to migrant workers travelling home during COVID lockdowns.
Shrimad Rajchandra Support to Frontliners
Extending support in the form of safety equipment, food, and expressing gratitude to frontline professionals such as doctors, healthcare workers, policemen, and government officials.
Shrimad Rajchandra Distribution of Ration Kits
Ration kits with high-quality food grains, spices, and oil were delivered in remote areas, to suffice needy families.
2.70 crore+ Lives touched globally
10,000+ Newborn babies treated at Shrimad Rajchandra NICU
2 lakh+ Less privileged students receive educational aids at highly subsidised rates annually
350+ Rural schools supported through Shrimad Rajchandra Education Outreach Programme
200+ Items made by rural women of Raj Uphaar
3.90 lakh+ Animals saved, treated and rehabilitated
1.15 crore+ Lives benefitted through Humanitarian Care initiatives
Featured Projects
The vision of every single Care of the 10 Care programme is realised through various projects. Each project is founded on specific needs of the community, goals and guidelines to ensure accountability and maximum impact.
Get Involved
Channel your compassion and support our work in reaching those who need it the most. Choose from a host of initiatives that meet your philanthropic interest and objectives, transform lives by offering your time and skills, or raise funds through your very own online campaign. Join the movement of selfless service.
Where We Serve
A global network of over 206 centres across India, USA, UK, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, South-East Asia and South America, spread the message of love and care through a myriad of initiatives.
South East Asia
South America