Empower Yourself With Fewer Words An exercise to silence the mind Check whether what you speak is worthwhile. Each time you speak today, go back to the privacy of your room and rewind what you have said. Evaluate each word’s worth! Penalise yourself ten rupees for each unwanted, unnecessary word uttered. Repeat this exercise for a week. You’ll be surprised at the money you have amassed! Keep the money aside and do the same for another week. Check the difference. Have you become more aware? Words are a strong cause to create likes and dislikes. Exercise discretion and limit their use. Silence your mind to focus within. Topicsawarenessfocusmeditationspeakwords Quotes Meditation is not an activity to be done in a peaceful atmosphere, but it is done to be peaceful in any atmosphere. Realise that your judgements, prejudices, biases and branding of others are your mood spoilers. The foremost religion of humankind is to be kind and humane. Work on your intellect using the wisdom received in satsang so that you are able to evaluate situations correctly and eliminate suffering. View All #SadguruWhispers The foremost religion of humankind is to be kind and humane. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates