Articles on Faith

Dharma – Philosophy or Experience?

What is dharma? Is it a philosophical exploration of the Truth? Or is it an experience of that which is…

Recognising the Self-Realised

Enlightened Beings are often unrecognised during their life-times, but worshipped after they shed their mortal coil. In honour of the…

Guru – The Alchemist

Pujyashri Gurudev beautifully brings out the many ways in which the Guru transforms the disciple. Commemorating the occasion of Gurupurnima,…

Patrank – 194

Mumbai, Posh, 1947 Why has one not found the path? Ponder upon this repeatedly, and when you feel it appropriate,…

An Enlightened Existence

On the auspicious occasion of Kartik Purnima, Param Krupalu Dev Shrimad Rajchandraji’s Birth Anniversary Pujyashri Gurudev pays tribute to Him,…

The Secret of Prayer

Have you ever found yourself wondering why in spite of praying so hard, you still feel an emptiness within? Introspect…

Mindset of An Ant

5 lessons in correct attitude for living a fulfilled life How far should one look for inspiration? And how big…

Sweet Surrender

Pujya Gurudevshri explains how on accepting the refuge of the Enlightened One, and by recognising His inner state, we too…

You Seem So Far

O Lord! You seem so far. Like sky you seem unfathomable, yet I know that one- day, I will surely…

Wallowing In Ego

O Master! Wallowing in ego, I have always disregarded You. I scattered my love in the world and simply squandered…


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