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Atmasetu - Antaryatrana Ansh

Language Gujarati
Size 197mm x 128mm
No. of Pages 234 & 188

Antaryatrana Ansh

For a majority of people embarking on the inner journey is an unidentified subject, an unfamiliar direction and an unchartered territory. Loving and stimulating process of getting acquainted with it, becoming familiar with it, and experiencing it means, the glimpses of Pujya Bahenshri Veenaben's inner outpourings in unique book - 'Antaryatrana Ansh'.



A beautiful compilation of an interlude, offering a glimpse of the Supreme through a dialogue focused on the Self, is 'Atmasetu' - Bridge to the soul.

The art of comprehending, and later weaving into practice, the constructive attitude of cooperation, affection and glad acceptance, means 'Atmasetu'.

Expressing a mature process of igniting the power of spiritual practice, in the solitude within, in an easy manner is 'Atmasetu'.

The bridge between the conflict and it's resolution; connecting life and dharma to Self-realisation, is the present compilation of the question and answers between the aspirants and Pujya Bahenshri Veenaben - 'Atmasetu'.



₹ 350.00