Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

To a complex mind with rigidity and impurity, the simple truth seems difficult to understand.

Check the purpose of your austerities - is it for your soul detox or body detox?

God completes the sentence you have begun. So write big and see the magic.

Do not make Satsang a casual event. Plan that day - your rest, food, meetings & inner state for the Satsang to be effective

Stay unshaken by challenges, for God will not plant a pious idea in you if you cannot fulfil it.

The Guru accepts the weakest person as a disciple, and a worthy disciple does not remain weak after finding such a Guru.

Demolish selfishness, design yourself to be good, develop good deeds and decorate your life with virtues.

Dharma is not separate from the Enlightened One. When Dharma manifests in a form, it is called an Enlightened One.

The sight of an Enlightened Master brings a wave of joy & enthusiasm, a confidence that makes the impossible feel possible.

#SadguruWhispers Earth is a home not for just humans, but all creatures etc. It's a gift from God. Abusing the Earth is abusing the giver.