Home Wisdom Articles Shrimadji Rajchandraji Shrimadji Letters Patrank – 250

Patrank – 250

Mumbai, Jeth Sud 15, Sunday, 1947

Devotion becomes worthy to attain completeness when

there is no request for even a blade of grass from the Lord;

in every state, remain absorbed in devotion alone.

Received a postcard yesterday and a letter today from dear Keshavlal. Reading them satiated some thirst. And again eagerness for such a letter increased.

When stressed by worldly worries, due to the absence of satsang, there is no peace whatsoever; what you have written is certainly appropriate. However, stress from worldly worries is not appropriate. Everywhere the will of the Lord is powerful, to make that firm, the Lord has done this; this you must understand without a doubt. So, whatever happens, witness that; and after that, if stress arises in you, then we shall see. Now, we will discuss regarding that when we meet. Do not be stressed. I have crossed over through that path.

Dear Keshavlal and Lalchand keep visiting me. By the Lord’s will, I watch being a witness. Until the Lord inspires; I should not do anything, and He wishes to make me act without that inspiration. Because of this, time and again, there arises a supremely wondrous state. Keshavlal and Lalchand must desire to attain a little of my state; I am inspired for that matter. Still, for that to happen, the Lord’s will must be for a delay. Therefore, they are perplexed in the entanglements of livelihood. And because of that, it remains in my mind too; but it is not possible to solve the irremediable at present.

Chotam was an Enlightened One. The composition of the verse is the very best.

The evident attainment of the Lord as a form, I regard those words more or less as direct realisation.

From the obedient Raichandra


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