Wallowing In Ego O Master! Wallowing in ego, I have always disregarded You. I scattered my love in the world and simply squandered it away. Now, collecting it from everywhere, I wish to offer it at Your Lotus Feet. With Your divine touch, may my impure and imperfect love become pure and eternal. Trusting my intelligence, I wandered a lot. Trusting my inner Self, I pine to bring an end to this wandering. Annihilating the doership, I yearn to live a life of child-like effortlessness. O Garden of Virtues! A sprout of Your love gave the first intimation of the Supreme Being residing within. And I spontaneously began to surrender my heart, intellect, and desires at Your Lotus Feet. In taking just that first step towards You, half of my the journey is over. Seeing You, kindled my faith in a state that is beyond the body even though with a body. O my most Adorable Lord! May I have an undivided love for You, for I seek You alone. In the shelter of this strong current of love, may I diligently follow Your instructions. May I devoutly stay connected with the Self. Om Peace Peace Peace Topicsegofaithjourneyprayer Quotes The verification of your knowledge is your experience, not your words. Focused on the soul's pure nature, a seeker does not see any situation as favourable or unfavourable. The enthusiasm of a seeker is such that he wants nothing but to realise the divine Self. He is willing to put in any effort, for any length of time. In this world, dharma is your true protector, benefactor and friend that will never abandon you in any situation. View All #SadguruWhispers The enthusiasm of a seeker is such that he wants nothing but to realise the divine Self. He is willing to put in any effort, for any length of time. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates