Quotes on Master


The sight of an Enlightened Master brings a wave of joy & enthusiasm, a confidence that makes the impossible feel possible.

To win the game of life, master the art from a Master who has mastered it.

The Guru has mastered the art of withdrawal through the art of extending His love.

Enlightened Masters ask - 'When are you coming within? All you need is a firm resolve, that you can form in Satsang.'

You are rare, unique and your Master's piece - a masterpiece. Then why do you want to imitate others?

With the vision from the Enlightened Master, look ahead & be in the present to paddle your way to spiritual fitness.

Salutations to the Enlightened Master and His works that help kindle the quest for truth latent in you.

The Enlightened One is an incarnate of dharma. Connecting to such a Master is also dharma.

Do not surrender to destiny. Be a master of it by choosing how you want to think & feel in any situation.

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