Home Contribute
Where Most Needed

Express your generosity and support towards the Mission and its activities. We sincerely appreciate your contribution.

Contact : Gautam Shah
Tel : +91 9821049338 (M)
Email : [email protected]

  • Payment options: Online | Cash | Cheque | Net Banking | Paypal
  • Donations for below schemes are tax exempted u/s 80G (for India). Receipt will be emailed to you.
  • Deductions u/s 80G of Income Tax Act is not available for cash donation exceeding US$ 2,000/-
  • Please ensure that the number of identity documents (PAN/Aadhar card) of the Donor is correctly furnished to avail this tax benefit.
  • The surplus of any scheme can be utilised for other similar care / object of the Trust
  • For payment information regarding bank transfer kindly click here.
General Donation to Health Care

General Donation to Health Care

A major surgery

A major surgery

US$ 618 x = US$
A hospital bed for a month

A hospital bed for a month

US$ 618 x = US$
Intensive care treatment for a critically ill new born baby

Intensive care treatment for a critically ill new born baby

US$ 618 x = US$
Outreach Medical care  for one month (Approx 4000 villagers)

Outreach Medical care for one month (Approx 4000 villagers)

US$ 1,546 x = US$

Get Involved

Channel your compassion and support our work in reaching those who need it the most. Choose from a host of initiatives that meet your philanthropic interest and objectives, transform lives by offering your time and skills, or raise funds through your very own online campaign. Join the movement of selfless service.

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