Quotes on Self


Demolish selfishness, design yourself to be good, develop good deeds and decorate your life with virtues.

It's better to take a break than to breakdown. Consciously move backward to revitalise, rejuvenate & relaunch yourself.

Take a moment to check with yourself. How are you feeling right now?

To know yourself better, write down your thoughts.

Never miss your time alone with God and yourself.

The mission is not just a place or activity. It's your inner calling that is greater than yourself, your very reason to live.

Are you on the list of people you love? Only when you are positive about yourself; you can be positive for the world.

Climb the ladder - from short-lasting sensual pleasures to long-lasting devotional joy to everlasting bliss of the Self.

Praise and censure should seem irrelevant if you want to leap to realising the pure Self.

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